Felting fun with Lynn.

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Wed 19 Oct 2011

I left the house at 0800 and headed out to catch the bus to get to the train station in time for my train to Dunblane at 0841. It was grreat I made it with time to spare and got to Dunblane for 0909 where I got off the train and saw Lynn in her car opposite. It was lovely meeting Lynn again after meeting her at pos back in September.

I was going to spend the day felting with Lynn Ramsbottom on her farm on the outskirts of the town. It was a grreat day of felting, chitter chatter chitter, laughs and just real good fun. Thanks to Lynn for having me at her home I just had sooooo much fun – I think I may start to love felt. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime after making our first pieces of felt, so we let it dry while having yum yums. Then after lunch we started to think 3d. Then it was time to go home I caught the train at 1648 to Perth where once home I went to collect the wee man.

Here is a link to Lynn’s website – http://www.irresistiblefelt.co.uk/

The next day I went to my studio in Perth and started to make my 3d pieces –